Lectio divina: Spiritual practice spotlight.
Often, we tend to read the Bible with the intention to understand it like it an ordinary text—but we can also approach it with a desire to hear through it.

Dreamwork: Spiritual practice spotlight.
What do our dreams mean? Is God speaking through them? Dreamwork gives us an opportunity to take them seriously without taking it too far. And it’s a simple process.

Imaginative prayer: Spiritual practice spotlight.
Imaginative prayer is designed to teach our hearts and our bodies the lived theology of who God is and how God loves us by creating a concrete memory of a real experience.

The Jesus Prayer: Spiritual practice spotlight.
St Paul instructs us to “pray without ceasing,” but is this really something we can do in our daily lives? One practice aims at this exactly.

Praying the statio: Spiritual practice spotlight.
Numerous practices and rhythms of prayer can help us to integrate prayer momently. One of the simplest and easiest is the statio prayer.

Meditatio psalmorum: Spiritual practice spotlight.
Meditatio psalmorum is one way that we can read the psalms not merely as Scripture but as living prayers for us today, now, in the place where we are.

Praying the Examen: A guide for the curious.
When Ignatius of Loyola instructed his friends in how they could make prayer a continual part of their life, he said if they could only make one, they must not neglect “the prayer of Examen.”