How do we discern a decision? 4: Discern the “spirits.”
The discernment of consolation and desolation is just one piece of a much larger picture, but it does in many ways represent the heart and soul of Ignatian discernment.

How do we discern a decision? 3: Identify the occasion and method.
How we experience our time of discernment will help us determine which of three main methods are best for us to use.

How do we discern a decision? 2: Find your foundation.
Setting a solid base for our work of discernment starts with why our decision even matters and who it can help us become.

How do we discern a decision? 1: Know what you’re choosing between.
Before we can begin to discern methodically, we have to know what we’re really discerning.

The problem with peace.
Under the right circumstances, we can have peace about the wrong thing for the wrong reasons.

Finding God in the night.
Many things will have taken a hard left turn—some will have seemed suddenly to drop off and vanish: hopes, discernment, progress. So much landscape has changed. How do we make sense of this?

Feeling the voice of God.
Some time ago, one of my jobs was to ghostwrite for the company’s CEO—an authentic character of a man with a thick Buffalo and the patience of pitbull. I’d compose newsletters, emails, columns, even journal articles and book chapters, as him, usually from scratch. At first, I might spend as much as 15 minutes with him for a three-paragraph letter or the idea for an article.